La mappatura acustica permette di rappresentare la situazione di rumore esistente o prevista in una determinata zona.
Data l’importanza e l’impatto che ha l’inquinamento acustico, l’Unione Europea ha emanato la direttiva 2002/49/CE relativa alla gestione e determinazione del rumore ambientale. In attuazione di tale direttiva, l’Italia ha emanato il D.Lgs. 194/2005, con lo scopo di prevenire e ridurre gli effetti nocivi derivanti dall’esposizione al rumore ambientale.
Tale Decreto definisce la mappatura acustica come:
The same Decree also defines the directives for the creation and implementation of the strategic acoustic mapping:.
S.A. Engineering - Acoustic Mappings
What is the offer of S.A. Engineering in terms of acoustic mapping?
Starting from acoustic surveys in the area to be mapped we realize predictive acoustic mappings.
Using specific software for the simulation of noise propagation, for the predictive assessment of impact and acoustic climate - as per L.Q. 447/95 for the calculation of Leq(6-22, Leq(22-6, Lmax - we generate mappings that visually reproduce the acoustic situation of the environment under examination. 447/95 for the calculation of Leq(6-22), Leq(22-6), Lmax - we generate mappings that visually reproduce the acoustic situation of the environment under examination.
The acoustic mappings of S.A. Engineering include:
- Conflict maps on acoustic zoning
- Population exposure maps
- Maps for the calculation of Lden and Lnight in compliance with Legislative Decree n.194 of 19/08/2005
- Maps for noise abatement plans
- Acoustic impact assessment of transport infrastructures (noise from road traffic, rail traffic, airport noise, etc.)
- Acoustic impact assessment of internal and external industrial-type sources (production sectors, sporting events, ventilation systems, turbines and power plants, sandblasters, compressors, mills, etc.)
- Emissions of industrial sites for assessment according to D.p.c.m. 14/11/97
- Remediation plans, intervention priority maps
- Acoustic and Strategic Maps (Lden and Lnight) as per legislative decree n.194 / 2005