Le barriere acustiche sono strutture progettate con la funzione di proteggere zone altamente sensibili ed esposte a sorgenti di rumore o per limitare rumore e vibrazioni provenienti da:
Produciamo barriere antirumore con materiali e trattamenti di alta qualità che mantengono nel tempo le prestazioni acustiche ottimali e la massima resistenza agli agenti esterni. Come tutti i nostri prodotti, ogni progetto viene realizzato in base alle esigenze specifiche del Cliente e alle caratteristiche del rumore che deve essere schermato.
- air treatment plants;
- compressors, cold rooms, generators, etc.;
- hydraulic and mechanical pumps;
- machinery in manufacturing environments;
- industrial plants;
- civil infrastructures related to transport (roads, railways, etc.)
Produciamo barriere antirumore con materiali e trattamenti di alta qualità che mantengono nel tempo le prestazioni acustiche ottimali e la massima resistenza agli agenti esterni. Come tutti i nostri prodotti, ogni progetto viene realizzato in base alle esigenze specifiche del Cliente e alle caratteristiche del rumore che deve essere schermato.
Progettazione barriere acustiche
In order to best evaluate the ideal solution, we usually advise our clients to carry out a phonometric survey with acoustic mapping, thanks to which we can define the most suitable type of barrier for the environment, the noise source to be isolated and the type of noise itself.
- Medium and high frequency noise barriers: By placing the noise barriers close to the noise source, the shielding of medium and high frequencies is improved, optimizing the soundproofing effect;
- Noise barriers for low frequencies: noise barriers for the soundproofing of noise at low frequencies, are integrated with vibrating elements that capture part of the energy of the sound waves dissipating it and decreasing its intensity and range;
- Soundproof noise barriers: are made up of modular panels with an aluminium supporting structure and external cladding customized according to the Customer's needs and the characteristics required for soundproofing;
- Side acoustic shielding: usually placed around noisy machinery or production lines, they consist of vertical soundproofing elements with specific insulating characteristics. In some cases, for example when the noise generated bypasses the shielding, they can be supplemented with additional panels or replaced by real soundproof booths.

Acoustic regulations and noise barriers
The reference with all the characteristics and design guidelines for the construction and testing of a noise barrier is UNI 11160 "Guidelines for designing, executing and verifying noise reducing devices for roads and railways" published in September 2005.
This standard offers indications on applicable mitigation techniques and how to verify the feasibility of noise remediation. This standard offers indications on applicable mitigation techniques and on how to verify the feasibility of acoustic remediation interventions. In addition, the standard defines the characteristics of the noise barrier, both from an architectural and a structural point of view, and also provides all the requirements that the materials must possess in order to be suitable for the construction of an anti-noise system.
This standard offers indications on applicable mitigation techniques and how to verify the feasibility of noise remediation. This standard offers indications on applicable mitigation techniques and on how to verify the feasibility of acoustic remediation interventions. In addition, the standard defines the characteristics of the noise barrier, both from an architectural and a structural point of view, and also provides all the requirements that the materials must possess in order to be suitable for the construction of an anti-noise system.
Do you want to analyze the acoustic situation of your company,
to remediate
a living space or evaluate the acoustics of a recreational space?
With our acoustic mapping service we develop the visual representation of data relating to a noise situation, existing or expected, in a specific area.
The results of the surveys, processed using specific software, generate strategic noise maps useful for the design of acoustic remediation plans
for the prevention and reduction of harmful effects resulting from exposure to environmental noise.